November 7-10

Because on Friday this week it is Remembrance Day, we did a lot of work around it.

English - We focused on poems; what does poetry look, sound, and feel like? As well as what does poetry make you feel? We did an acrostic poem as well as a limerick about Remembrance Day.

Math - We did some decreasing patterns in a T-table as well as started our count by work. We have only worked on our count bys of 2, 3, 4, 5. I have been sending a bit of homework back, so please look out for a black folder if you have not yet seen it!

Social Studies - We finished up India by writing a letter to send home to our friends and parents as if we really did travel to India. These will come home next week when they are finished copying their good copy. We also learned about quality of life; how to measure quality of life.


1. Please keep encouraging your students to read! Even if it is just 15-20 minutes a day. They can definitely handle it as we do 30 minutes of independent quiet reading each day!

2. If your students have not completed their homework from previous dates please finish them up and bring their duo tangs back on Monday.

3. If you know your student's google email and password please log in and accept my google classroom invite! I will be posting a lot of science related material as we are starting Rocks and Minerals next week! Also, I will post a copy of the homework on the google classroom for you to print if your student ever lost or forgot their duo tang.


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