March 13-17

 This week, we have started our testing materials unit. Students got a chance to explore the strength of different shapes and objects as well as build a Leprechaun house.

For writing, we are finishing up our persuasive writing unit. We did have a few stops along the way to do some limericks as well as work on our revision skills. This coming week, we are going to write poems about spring as well as finish our good copies for our persuasive writing.

For math, we continued with division. We are going to finish our multiplication and division unit so we can start something new after spring break. Every day, if your student does not finish their math work in class, I have been sending them home to finish it. It's only one page, and should not take very long. Please keep encouraging them to finish their work!

As for reading, we have started our wondering aspect. We have been talking a lot about the types of questions readers ask and the significance of asking questions while reading.

A few reminders

1. We did not have the library this past week because of the spring showcase, so please have them bring back their books if they have not already so we can switch them out.

2. We are going to start our building unit, so if you have any egg cartons, cardboard boxes, etc. Any material you think would be good for building in a classroom please send them my way!


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