April 11-14

 Hello Parents,

No pictures this week. 

For math we kept on doing geometry. We recently just finished translations and are in the process of making some tessellation art. You will get to see those next week.

As for writing, we started our story writing unit. We focused on the structure of a story this week; character, setting, problem, solution, beginning, middle, and end. Next week we will start some basic planning for the story they will write for me.

For science, this week, we are doing our bridge challenge. On Tuesday, students researched about bridges; what makes bridges strong, what are they made of, types of bridges, interesting facts about bridges. They started building their bridges yesterday and we will test them out next week. In addition, Ms. Stringer and I are thinking of going for a community walk next week so students can label and sketch out an actual bridge. If the weather is nice we will definitely let you know!

1. library is on Tuesday, some students have not switched their books for weeks now. Please remember to bring them back. If they bring them back on another week day they can always return it early so they can grab new books on Tuesday.
2. Please have students do some reading whether it be with a paper book or on Raz-kids as mentioned in the email last week. They also have an app if you do not want your student to go on the internet. The app reads the book, students can read the book themselves, and students can do comprehension questions at the end. Furthermore, students can record their reading so if you do not have the time to listen to them read I will always listen to the recording on the weekend.


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